Comments From Our Staff
Joined April 2016
Manufacturing, resharpening, inspection, customer service

Our Staff
Introducing the staff working at Tower Knives.
Manufacturing, resharpening, inspection, customer service
Introducing the staff working at Tower Knives.
Thoughts on work
Here at Tower Knives, I am mainly in charge of making and resharpening knives. I watched my grandparents work with knives when I was little, and when I actually got involved, I was very excited about this new world that was beyond my previous experiences and knowledge. It's been 6 years since I joined this company, and it's interesting to see new discoveries and innovations that the craftsmen are developing every day.
In addition, when resharpening knives brought in by customers, it may seem at first glance that all the knives are being sharpened in the same way, but we can find and repair the problems unique to each knife.
In a sense my work is like an archaeologist's--tracing the history of the knife from when it was purchased until now. It's like how a doctor treats a patient's injury, and I find it extremely rewarding.
To anyone interested in working with us
We want to convey the wonderful sharpness and beautiful appearance of our knives to all our customers, and we work hard every day to achieve this goal. For example, a knife must go through several inspections before it reaches the customer. I pay close attention and sharpen my senses to check whether the blade is sharp, whether there are any scratches or rough patterns, and whether the handle is firmly attached.
It's very rewarding to think that this will lead to the customers' voices of surprise and joy echoing through the store, saying, "Wow!". I really enjoy taking knives that have rusted, chipped, or become dull even after resharpening and bring them back into beautiful, sharp knives.
There is a lot of work to do, but if you like talking to people and making people happy, I'm sure you'll enjoy working here.